Hello harleybear,
I to am a recovering alcholic, I was never a Jw, I was just 'a study' And have been around Jw's for years due to my moms involvement with them. I've been dry for a few years now and alough I never went to AA, I did have alcohol counselling for well over a year. Looking back there's just no way I would have managed to stay dry whithout said counselling, Inbetween appointments so much stress and anger used to build up as regards the sittuation I'd gotton myself in and the counselling used to put all that into prospective, I imagine AA did the same?
Anyway You did well not to take the elders words to heart. What kind of loving God would condem you for seeking help to overcome a problem that could ultimatly lead to an early death? It's beyond me how anyone can consider themselvs spirtual leaders and yet be so ignorant about such problems.
Well done beating the drink I know how hard it can be.